Former host and model Sahana Bajracharya and Suraj Giri are arrested on the charge of vulgar scolding. Director of music video company Harshabardhan Sahani had lodged the complaint with the police against them for chide and threatening to murder him through phone. The couple was arrested on Wednesday.According to Puskar Karki, Chief of Crime Division, they were arrested for interrogation as per the complaint. Karki informed that police is making necessary preparations to file the case against them as it believe that they were involved in the act based on preliminary investigation. Last year there was news on medias that they were reportedly found interlocked inside Suraj’s private car in Chitwan. According to a report in Sanghu weekly, they were having fun in the car at around 3:00 AM when police spotted the shaking car. When they looked inside, they found Sahana and Suraj in near naked state. However later they denied of such activity."
Sahana said that a minor incident was deliberately sensationalized to make a scandal. It was related to the incident that occurred on July 28 when Sahana and Suraj Giri were returning to Kathmandu after finishing the official work in Chitwan. She said, the police had arrived when they were replacing the spare tires of their car. She said, Suraj Giri had taken a little drink and the police thought that wasn’t acceptable. So, he was fined RS. 1,000 on charges of driving under influence and was released.
Kantipur TV director Bhusan Dahal had also told that they were not relieved of duties. Sahana Bajracharya had represented Nepal in the Miss Asia Pacific World 2011, held in South Korea and also Miss Earth 2010 contest. We at xnepali believe, the language in the statement could have been made more convincing, given both Sahana and Suraj are well known media person.Updated: In a report in an online media the mode and VJ Sahana Bajracharya and her friend VJ Suraj Giri have been arrested by the police. According to the Police Crime Division Sahana and Suraj were accused of foul mouthing and threatening Harshabardhan Sahani. They were arrested after Harshabardhan lodged a complaint of threat to his life. (Source:Xnepali)
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